martes, 20 de diciembre de 2016

Classics Communication

In this semester I loved the signature Classics Communication with Claudio Salinas. Because it’s a class where we analyze the mass communication and the media manipulation. For me, this is very interesting because we live in a society where people with power use  the media to guide the public opinion and win money and more power.

The objective of this class it’s deconstruct the habitual practice of media manipulation and create a critic culture regarding this. Actually the media are handled principally for businessmen groups with political relations and not by communicators. This it’s something regular and people don’t know what they hear, see and read in the news is manipulated information. This analysis it’s very interesting for me, because the information and media communication naturalized speeches and ideologies that intensify the inequality of the economic system what put one social class over the other.

In the past semester I took with Claudio Salinas, but another class, Interpersonal Communication and enjoyed because is a great teacher

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Vale!
    It is good to know that Claudio Salinas is a good teacher, I have never taken with him. This branch to me also seemed interesting the year goes by, it is good to know what really happens today with the media.
