martes, 3 de enero de 2017

Blog experience

Well, we’re almost done this class and I can only say that it has been a great experience in which I learn a lot. The experience of the blog has helped me to write better, think more in English and to be able to structure what I want to say in another language. I left the school two years ago and since that time I didn’t have English class, so I was really anxious to get started because I really like English.

As classes progressed my performance went down because I didn’t have much time for all the responsibilities that I had to assume; and specifically with the blog because when I didn’t come to the class  I forgot write in my house and it really was something I like to do.

The post that I like the most was when we had to talk about the best movie scene and I chose one of the Frida movie. Another thing that I liked to write it was of the playlist/soundtrack of my life, in there I write about Oasis and my favorite song.

What I like the most about writing in the blog was the sharing experience of sharing with my classmate the different things that we had to write and nobody would laugh if you did wrong.